Articles With Tag


iStock_000002961987Small.jpg NetApp’s Ongoing Reinvention

NetApp’s Ongoing Reinvention

02 March 2022

NetApp continues its reinvention into a cloud services portfolio company, which is still very much a work-in-progress.

national-cancer-institute-zoFbfT0M_BU-unsplash.resized.jpg Metallic’s Reverse Takeover of Commvault

Metallic’s Reverse Takeover of Commvault

18 March 2022

Metallic was just what Commvault needed to refresh itself, and now it's going to take over the whole company.

stormforge-ongoing-optimisation.png StormForge For Optimal Kubernetes

StormForge For Optimal Kubernetes

21 March 2022

StormForge wants to put automated Kubernets optimisation into your DevOps workflow.

k8s-data-protection.png Kasten is the Cure for Container Chaos

Kasten is the Cure for Container Chaos

20 April 2022

Kasten is a solution to a problem that shouldn't exist, but does because people are terrible.