Articles With Tag


call-me-fred-fJSRg-r7LuI-unsplash The Open Standard Underpinning Modern AI You (Probably) Haven’t Heard Of

The Open Standard Underpinning Modern AI You (Probably) Haven’t Heard Of

06 February 2024

An open source project, Apache Arrow, has emerged as the de facto mechanism used by most of the industry for data interoperability.

black-hole-6274731_1920.jpg Quantum of Anti-Trust

Quantum of Anti-Trust

18 July 2022
Subscriber Only

Lots of (in)security news, valuation shenanigans, and a smidgen of antitrust.

bruce-jastrow-uyf9K4yaS8c-unsplash-4x3.jpg Canaries with credit cards

Canaries with credit cards

30 January 2023
Subscriber Only

Watermelons, legal musings, and AI hypemonsters abound, but we can trap them with canary credit cards.

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Security Is Too Hard, But Lucrative

27 February 2023
Subscriber Only

Cyber security is a rolling binfire, but it's also quite lucrative, so who can say if it's good or bad?

dawid-zawila-T2apDcwWGLA-unsplash-3x2.jpg Framing the Issues

Framing the Issues

27 March 2023
Subscriber Only

Gordon Moore dies but his Law lives on, and we learn lessons from Intel's brief foray into digital watches.

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Cloud Is Someone Else's Security

07 August 2023
Subscriber Only

Security in the cloud means ceding a lot of control to the vendor.

dose-media-lfupq9PS-bk-unsplash-3x2.jpg Cloud earnings, sedimentary software and the Team Plant

Cloud earnings, sedimentary software and the Team Plant

30 October 2023
Subscriber Only

Cloud earnings are out, the latest chips wars news, efficient hardware and sedimentary software, and fun office traditions.

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Fraud, Outages, and AI

05 November 2023
Subscriber Only

AI, fraud, outages, splits, picks and shovels.

micheile-henderson-SoT4-mZhyhE-unsplash-3x2.jpg Financial Vibe Shift

Financial Vibe Shift

27 November 2023
Subscriber Only

Nvidia prints money, Australia puts up the cyber shields, attacking Microsoft's PhotoDNA.